Breastfeeding Friendly Clinic

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Breastfeeding Friendly Clinic with Dr. Nupura Kashikar

Breastfeeding Friendly Clinic

Breastfeeding is a pillar of child health, survival and development, and has positive health effects for women. Breastfeeding plays a crucial role in the health, growth and development of babies and has benefits for the mother too.

What problems can an expert help with?

A baby who won’t latch
Ideally, your newborn will latch within the first few hours. If he doesn’t, or the latch is uncomfortable, the doctor can check it.

Sore nipples
Almost always caused by your baby not being well latched, doctor can help you adjust his position.

Breast engorgement
The best way to avoid engorgement – breasts that become uncomfortably full and hard when your milk ‘comes in’, usually around days two to four – is to feed your baby frequently. A breastfeeding specialist can show you how to massage your breasts and hand express or pump to relieve the pressure.

Concerns about supply
Many mums worry about their milk supply over the first few days. The Counselor or nurse can reassure you it’s usual for your baby to feed every hour or two at this time.

What is so good about breastfeeding?

  • Breast milk provides all the nutrients that a baby needs for the first six months of life to grow and develop.
  • Breast milk continues to provide high-quality nutrients and helps protect against infection up to two years of age or more.
  • Breast milk protects babies from infections and illnesses.
  • Babies find breast milk easy to digest.
  • The baby's body uses breast milk efficiently.
  • Breastfeeding can contribute to birth spacing.
  • Breastfeeding helps the mother's uterus to contract, reducing the risk of bleeding after birth.
  • Breastfeeding lowers the rate of breast and ovarian cancer in the mother.